Back pain in pregnancy

Every woman is definitely pregnant at least once, face, back pain, especially in the last pregnancy. It's never a very difficult process for a child with: the women body and all of its organs and re-load a couple of months. Digestive, circulatory, respiratory and excretory system - they no longer all work, not just a woman, but of her child. This touched and Nov-spinal motor function.

Therefore, back pain in pregnancy is not that extraordinary, but rather is a natural phenomenon. Let's see, why is this happening and what have you if it hurts, and you can't buy traditional pain relievers pregnant.

back pain in pregnancy

Causes back pain during pregnancy

In the body of a pregnant woman, the changes that will begin from the first day, they prepare it in a way to the future a joyous event. During pregnancy, during the nature of life, which is filled constantly fix, especially related to hormones.

So relax in sacral coccygeal ligament and even joint is produced by a hormone that relaxes you. This enables their mobility, very true birth.

But the stability of the sacral part of the back and abdominal muscles and strain compensation accounts falls to a woman.

During pregnancy, estrogen, progesterone lowered and elevated almost the entire period of a woman - this provides the most suitable conditions. An inverse correlation (low progesterone and increased estrogen) may cause you to have uterine bleeding, and low)

The level of progesterone increases and estrogen decreases significantly before birth

Depends on the elasticity and tone the uterus to estrogen, the ability to collapse and him. Thanks, the formation and growth of the placenta, the uterus, progesterone is provided with all of the duration of pregnancy. Every week a new woman, gaining weight, her belly is more round and is given next. Starting about 14. these pregnancy symptoms a week open and the pressure of the details it's hard enough. Gait and posture changes also in the future mother: if you notice, they keep your head up as you walk before being dispatched, and shrugged. This Walk is popularly called "pride". In fact, though, every woman and instinctively, by nature, pride, their position, why such a bland posture: the center of gravity, pregnant the pelvic Tilt increasing the angle of Slips forward, increasing lumbar lordosis why, and to maintain balance of the spine in the thoracic region are fed back with the head and the shoulders

Of course, the walk in this position always hard - especially orange and inevitably damage to the lumbar spin. Therefore, the underlying causes of back pain in pregnancy is physiological and in direct contact provisions, i.e., they are characterized by for any woman during pregnancy. this:

  • The spine natural curves of change and shifting his center of gravity
  • Increase elasticity, ligament, and sacral joint mobility Department
  • A decrease in the number of estrogen - the main hormone, bone structure within a structure joined normal
  • Deficiency, fragile bones, osteoporosis and estrogen produces road.

Important tips for pregnant women back pain

Therefore, it is important I want to give some advice, future mothers, this:
  • The first thing to do normal daily intake during pregnancy to provide calcium, preferably with vitamin D, important in the body
  • Passing also necessarily take folic acid, very important for fetal development.
  • Folic acid deficiency may cause your child to a congenital spinal hernia
backache of pregnancy causes

Gymnastics during pregnancy

Daily gymnastics for moms during pregnancy to make sure. Don't be afraid, this or that may adversely affect your son.

Children actively develop the course such as the cost of his blood circulation, nutrition, and even mood. Gymnastics that will be useful would reduce back spasm, Nov, Nov television to both strengthen and back pain-connected system

Pain causes more pain for every woman, pregnancy and special causes:

  • Degenerative dystrophic spine existence before pregnancy
  • Inappropriate footwear, for example, very high heels
  • Other illness or pathology
  • In good condition uterine
  • Saggy uterus

Herniated lumbosacral

If a woman's lumbosacral herniated, the need for energy is two-fold control to strengthen their disease, especially in the second half of pregnancy:

  • Necessarily visiting orthopaedic surgeon
  • Pull exercise
  • Wear a supporting corset . It is advisable to all the women of wearing a corset for back pain, starting with 34 weeks pregnant.

The challenge last month

Two months ago most recent baby birth heavy for a woman.

Fruit weight is pretty good already, and he crushes his spine. You can buy weather to keep up with radicular back pain and submission, especially walking

The fall of the uterus, and pressure on other organs in the pelvis, a woman emerges why symptoms of cystitis

Load kidney, an increased volume of circulating fluid in the system increased in the third trimester and the fetus sanguine purification of waste products increased.

Could be causing this, it's pyelonephritis, or even kidney failure these symptoms, if a woman got pregnant before the pregnancy additional back pain kidney problems kidney problems, which may be already

Increased uterine tone

The tone of the growing uterus during pregnancy is a common problem. In general, this phenomenon is dangerous, a threat of miscarriage in the early stages. Then for a woman unpleasant sensations also, no hazard.

For reasons which increased uterine tone? Audio a both simple and scientific:

  • Your child just gave you a pat on the stalk control: he fell asleep, ready to forget about him, him quickly led to the emergence
  • Stress and bad mood cause of the sound, not just a "fiber" the spirit, however, and uterus. Therefore, you must try always calm and in good mood during pregnancy, the unborn baby and it is so important and a healthy nervous system
  • Nov the tension of the muscles of the uterus and is passed back to you and your wife
  • Wrong for a while, that emerged in the late period syndrome (Braxton Hicks)

In this way, a "rehearsal" for the birth of the future

In which to apply the Medication for back pain during pregnancy

Pregnant and is often faced such a problem: to them, the poor, many medicines are unavailable. So, all known non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, back pain, pregnant are not allowed. Why? Contraindications because they are very dangerous for ordinary people and a position.

Back pain unbearable during pregnancy, the patient or a woman?

  • Treatment that you can use for herbal teas, herbs, beekeeping products
  • An antispasmodic drug, a partition you can use during pregnancy
  • It is completely harmless homeopathic drugs available.

Everything correctly and you adhere to these simple recommendations, supervision of pregnancy and your baby is healthy and happy easier.